Total Recall

This is an informal journal and collections of our stories and photos we have accumilated on our travels. The people we meet and the places we see inspire us to travel further, for longer, so maybe we will meet again.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sorry it is all back to front........

At this point in the Blog, I would like to apologise that you are all reading this confused as to where it begins and where it ends.
Well it begins at the page marked Bangers!. So scroll downt to that page and then you can read from the beginning of our trip, and it will finish when it says The End.
Sorry to be a pain in the arse!
The photos are from the trek, we saw a monkey, tied to a tree though, not a pretty sight, but the monkey was a strange type we had not seen before. Hence the photo.
From here, we crossed the river, back to the paddyfields on the otherside and finally into a waiting Tuk tuk. Was a nice trek, but would've been better two days before, we would've missed the rain, and seen all the caves, tubed back and have a whole much more to say about it too. But such is life.


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